Social Networks : Purchases of fans are increasing !

As I described in my series of articles on the ideas of social media marketing, you can buy love, it is even the oldest profession in the world, but it will not be paid back .

Drifts advertising in social media rage, with bidding on purchases of delirious fans that can compensate for the fact that to have little to say or share.

So we approach a new marketing bubble where it was announced valuations of "fans" quite expensive recruited to a sum of $ 136.38 fantasy (note cents is to make "real"!). This is the classic confusion between precision and accuracy. For what is the value of "fans" on Facebook, the proportion of ghosts (false accounts, accounts fanciful, multiple accounts created during a game, and even accounts of deceased persons etc.).
Is so important [1 ], this figure does not mean anything.

Worse, there is behind the vague notion that figure (very vague), and misleading, as a fan = x% of a sale. I can assure you - at least among the 200 largest U.S. accounts to which I belong - I could not verify this.

This is not new. We have experienced this kind of madness in the late 90s. Is the mass return of soup vendors, marketers at 4 in ("get rich quick") and researchers from immediate ROI.

The only concern is that want to place an inordinate value on what is not worth the trouble, you end up generating a bubble and destroy value, not create it. It is even the definition of a bubble. Therefore, if you make mistakes, Facebook will soon read: you do not have enough fans? Buy! (It is certain that for large budgets, $ 9,000 for 250,000 fans this is nothing

To be continued ...

[1] see this experience interesting, even if it is not very scientific and not, of course, 83% of accounts are not false, but many are inactive, I will continue my investigations on this subject.

Gartner predicts a boom in investment in mobile Ads by 2015

According to the consulting firm, revenue from mobile advertising should be more than $ 20 billion in 2015.

20.6 billion. This is the dollar amount should represent the worldwide sales of advertising on mobile phones in 2015, according to estimates by consulting firm Gartner.

This year, revenues from mobile advertising are expected to represent $ 3.3 billion, more than double those of last year.

In your opinion : The loss of members through Facebook would make sense?

SocialMediaToday return date on the information that has made ​​the rounds of blogs and Twitter accounts these last few hours: the loss of 7.5 million members (cumulative) by facebook in the U.S. and Canada in recent months.

The article tends to take a little height and parallel to the erosion of community with the cycle of trends at Gartner.

The alarm bells would thus not necessary if one sticks to this pattern, the start of the 7.5 million members matching "merely" to a phase of "disappointment"that will be followed shortly a new phase of recruitment.

Frantic optimism or clairvoyance to you?

Social Media tools are useless without a real social media strategy

According to the  a recent study , more than 70% of marketers plan to increase their use of social media channels including blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. It's correct but don't forget to settle a strategy before starting...

Tip on Google "social+media+increase+business", and about 63,300,000 results appear.

With this in mind, many small online businesses are flocking to social media – 77.5% plan on spending more on social media in 2011.

69% of business owners say they use Social Media at their companies.

41% of those who don't currently use it, they plan to start using it in the next few months.

89% reported using Facebook.

62% say they definitely see social media as a viable way to communicate with customers

Here’s a few reasons why:
  • Social media is a cost-effective way to establish relationships with customers.
  • Social media serves as a great source of open feedback and competitor intelligence.
  • Fans/Followers of branded social media pages are more likely to buy from that company and recommend it to friends and family.
  • Everyone else is doing it.
Wait, “everyone else is doing it?” That doesn’t seem like a very good reason to start a social media campaign!
Unfortunately this is the rationale many small online business owners use when entering the social space. But the problem with an “everyone else is doing it” approach is it typically leads to a haphazard social presence.
Sound familiar? If so, it’s quite possible that your social media strategy isn’t a strategy at all. Instead, it’s more of a mix of tactics thrown together under the guise of a strategy. But what’s the difference?

A strategy is a comprehensive plan meant to achieve a long-term objective. A tactic, on the other hand, is a specific action within a strategy intended to help reach the designated goal.

Now that you know the distinction, here’s a step by step guide to ensure your social media efforts form an actual strategy:

1. Set your social media objectives.
What do you ultimately want your business to achieve from social media? Some ideas include: brand awareness, thought leadership, networking opportunities and SEO benefits. While it’s tempting to set your strategic objective to “all of the above,” you need to pick one and stick with it – other positive results will coincide with your growing social presence.

2. Choose the right channels to meet your objectives :
Next, take a holistic approach of integrating various social media channels to achieve your set objective. This means that you need to carefully select which tactics to use within your campaign – you can’t be everywhere at once, so choose the channels that will best help reach your goal.
Here’s some aspects of various social tactics to help guide your pairings:
  • Serves as premier outlet for offering fresh content that’s pertinent to your defined audience
  • Lays foundation for spreading unique content across the web
  • Establishes a “face” for your brand via addition of photos and personal information
  • Facilitates an interactive community with wall posts, discussion boards, fan photos and likes
  • Presents chance to expand social network and find influencers in specific industries
  • Lets users share your content, including blog posts, articles, etc.
  • Provides location to establish business credibility and share business information
  • Offers place to join relevant groups and make connections with other thought leaders
  • Allows for repurposing of customer videos, product tutorials, testimonials, etc.
  • Supplies vehicle to comment on others’ videos and reach out to those with similar interests
As an example, if the objective of my social media strategy is to establish thought leadership within my industry, I would start with my blog to create unique, relevant content and use Facebook and Twitter to spread that content. I’d also use YouTube to create educational videos related to my blog. As you can see, by purposefully mixing various tactics, I’ve put together a comprehensive strategy to achieve my thought leadership objective.

3. Alloting the right Budget :
One reason why social media users may not be seeing the results they've hoped for is that they aren't alloting enough of their budget to their efforts.

43.2% said they alloted between 0 to 10% of their marketing budget to social media in 2011

4. To have a real engagement :
You have to update regularly.

36.5% of users say they post new content via social media once a week or less !. 10% of those users say they update less than once a month !!

Regular and active engagement is a big part of success with social media. If this users put more time into their campaign it might positively affect their results. When social media is done correctly, relationships will build naturally.
5. Establish a timeline for completion :
Another integral part of any strategy is creating a timeline to reach your goal. By setting monthly or quarterly benchmarks, you can objectively gauge your progress. The key to this step is establishing smaller goals within each tactic for measurement against your deadline.
Going back to our thought leadership example, you could set benchmarks of establishing 5 blog relationships and posting 8 articles on your blog by the end of July. And by the end of August you could set a benchmark of making 3 guest blog appearances and posting 2 educational videos on YouTube. Of course the numbers will vary on a case by case basis, but you get the idea.
While creating your benchmarks, it’s advised to dedicate a certain amount of time to executing your strategy. Far too many small online business owners strongly launch a social campaign, only to drop off the face of the earth 6 weeks later. Just like any strategy, social media takes time, so make sure you’re ready to make the long-term investment before diving in the pool.

6. Put together your metrics :
To provide a legitimate strategy, you must establish metrics to gauge your progress. The easiest way to do so is creating key performance indicators, or KPIs, for each of your tactics. Some KPIs include: number of Twitter followers, number of YouTube views, number of blog subscribers and growth patterns for each metric.
It’s easy to fall into a trap of setting arbitrary numbers for your KPIs. Hitting 500 Twitter followers sounds nice, but what does that really mean? Instead, it’s best to base your KPIs on your objectives, so perhaps setting a KPI of adding 50 influential Twitter followers is better aligned with a thought leadership goal.
Whatever the case, be sure to track results against your metrics to see how you’re performing in each of your channels – this will allow you to make proper adjustments.

7. Deploy, measure, adjust :
The entire point of setting objectives and benchmarking them is to make sure that your strategy stays on course. If you’re exceeding your KPIs in one channel and are way behind in another, you have an opportunity to evaluate your execution and make alterations as necessary.

It’s okay to shift course if things aren’t working as planned – the beauty of a true strategy is that you can make changes along the way to better achieve social media success.

And there you have it – a five step plan to legitimize your social media efforts! If you haven’t gone through this process or you identified with the “everybody else is doing it” mentality, it’s a good bet that your social media strategy isn’t really a strategy after all.

Fortunately, in this ever-evolving medium, your online business can quickly adjust to better maximize the bountiful benefits social media has to offer.

40 tools to find better use for Facebook

In the wave of social networks, Facebook is required from all generations. Despite competition from other networks like Twitter, Linkedin ... Facebook, and general public, is maintained and increased its number of registered. After 6 years of existence there were nearly 180 million users of Facebook community network in Europe with over 20 million in France. Here is a selection of tools that help you maximize your presence or to discover cool applications!

Confidentiality and privacy

  • The manual of privacy on Facebook : we have translated a nearly comprehensive manual on parameters to know to protect his privacy on Facebook. Strongly recommended reading!
  • Privacy Defender : This application analyzes the privacy of your Facebook profile. Once verified, it automatically adjusts the settings of your account according to your choice. You will have a Visual you can well realize what can be seen, and by whom.

  • Reclaim privacy : a button to discover if some of your privacy settings are problematic.

  • GreaseMonkey: Download it to your Firefox browser, and this extension will allow you to run the script "Remove Facebook Right – Column". This script will eliminate the pub right column! Available also on Chrome.

  • FacebookBlocker : an extension to block all the links and the Facebook social plugins. If you have really tired...

  • I Shared What? : test applications to which you have authorized access on Facebook. A bit of cleaning is necessary!

Search engines

  • Facetofind:Find all the videos posted on Facebook via this search engine. just inform your keywords to easily find these videos on Facebook.
    • Social Searching: To probe its Twitter and Facebook accounts. Social Searching is particularly interesting in the sense where it allows to search from a remote date.

    • Greplin: The service that was missing from social networks. This engine aggregates indeed multiple profiles: your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, DropBox accounts... The list is long enough. It allows you to find all of the content that you have been able to share on social networks.

    • OpenBook : a research in the statutes Facebook service. Before any intended to realize the importance of close its profile to the public!

    Recommendations and aggregation

    • LikeJournal: Want to find your facebook Likes? With this tool you will be able to recover them. It's a site, supported extensions for Firefox and Chrome, which is responsible to list everything you loved.

    • Likester: A service for analyzing the "likes" on Facebook. Compares your likes with your friends!
    • Friendtaste: An application that offers you to know the preferences of your friends. The tool focuses on music, emission TV, films and video games. The result you appears as a mosaic.
    • PostPost: This application offers you the possibility of creating a page Recalling newspaper columns, by aggregating and presenting articles, images and videos posted by your friends. An original way to read its news Facebook! By default, all types of content will be presented, be it articles, videos or images.
    • Egobook : If you share on Facebook, Egobook you like it. The site allows you to create a custom from the articles, posted photos, the messages of the wall and the comments of a Facebook profile. The book will also include the top 20 largest commentators and a mosaic of your friends.
    • Tumbup : an engine of social recommendations, based on the tastes of your friends.
    • Facenews : discover the links your friends have shared.

    Fun applications

    • Comic Mashup:: it generates a comic related to one of your stories on Facebook. This site connects to your Facebook account and allows you to create a comic story from your posts or those of your friends.


    • Facebook Symbols: : to energize your messages, publications, and other comments of small images, symbols, this list will be much useful. Use with moderation however!

    • My Friend Tracker: : proposes to create a computer graphics to your friends! Therefore, you can easily map your friends with a few key data concerning them. The proportion of men and women, age, groups they prefer, their geographic location, etc.

    • Placebook: This application proposes to locate your Facebook friends in the world. Rather nice, to plan next vacation for example...

    • Fake wall: It is a generator that allows you to create a fake Facebook wall with a few clicks.

    • How Many Friends Do you Know:Do you know your friends? This Facebook game shows you ten avatars of your friends you have 5 seconds to type the name of the person in question. For those who have put real photos, it should not be a problem. In contrast, good courage with avatars, landscape images and photographs of celebrities...

    • Fake Convos: Allows to create false conversations on Facebook very similar to the original... Indeed, everything is exactly as on the famous social network, logo including - perhaps future issues to consider, indeed? In any event, for the moment, Fake Convos works very well...

    • Newsfeedmail : Faebook is blocked at work? Newsfeedmail send you 3 hourly email with all your Facebook News feed. You will receive all the news and updates from your friends and photos they post.

    Tools for Fan pages

    • Facebook showcase : Want to create an original page fan? This gallery offers you examples by topic. Ideal to see what is being done.

    • LikeAudience: The service will allow you to learn more about your Facebook fans. Relevant to marketers or the curious! LikeAudience crosses the data provided by myPersonality and myIQ. The application maintains the anonymity of the fans and is therefore used to draw the portrait of the fans of a page.
    • Community Health Score: Indeed, this tool allows to perform measurements on the activity of your fans on your pages, to determine what are the points to improve. Number of fans, pace of publication by your care, number of "I like" and comment... Not bad for indicators, to assess the health and vitality of your community.
    • iFrame Apps: This application will allow you to implement a very simple custom tab.
    • Hyperalerts: Before it was not possible to be alerted to new messages on a fan page by mail. It is now possible! Moreover it is free and accessible without connect.
    • Graph-O-Meter: This tool allows to view just past interactions on your fan pages. Gain valuable time! You can choose the time interval to view (but not beyond 30 days, which is due to a limitation imposed by the Facebook API). You can also display only results new since your last connection Graph-O-Meter, which is very handy for quickly see recent activities.
    • Sysomos: A solution of automated moderation of Facebook pages. The company, specializing in Social media, offers many options through this tool. You can automate the deletion of messages containing certain key words, obtain statistics more complete, measure the degree of satisfaction of the members of the page, identify the main topics of discussion, work in a collaborative manner with one or more of your colleagues...
    • Oorook: It is a tool for monitoring of Facebook pages. It has a free version and a pay version. The idea is to automate the moderation 24 and 7 days a week. The application monitors real-time contributions published on the wall and notifies you by mail as soon as one of them seems to be problem (bad link, bad language...). The idea is good and applies mainly to large companies that receive many contributions.
    • Spotlike : to create a QR Code from his fan page.


    • Pimp my profizzle : Sick of your profile picture? With Pimp my profizzle, you can create an avatar from your photos or images on the Web. You sets up the application for Facebook dimensions.

    • Frintr: This site offers you simply replace your avatar by a mosaic of the photo of your Facebook or Twitter friends. Login - takes care you with your Myspace, Facebook or Twitter login, and the site of everything!

    • Single: Create your avatar quickly and free of charge. The principle is always the same: choose your sex, you will then have many personalization solutions.
    @LIONEL GONCALVES, Please leave comments.
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    73 essential tools for Twitter

    This article is only the first part of a series on "Web Tools", a series of articles designed to make your website more friendly!

    In this first issue discover a set of tools exclusively dedicated to Twitter. Effective and useful tools for:

    • Statistics on your Twitter accounts
    • Conducting research topics
    • Make the day
    • Community manager
    • Manage your online reputation and your digital identity ...

    This list is not exhaustive but still showing a wide range of tools (overwhelmingly free).Some descriptions you'll probably rough but it was hard to classify these tools and beconcise in their descriptions. Especially since some of them have many features.

    Hoping that this list is useful for you! This list is intended to grow, so do not hesitate tocomment on this article and tell me the tools you use!

    1. Content aggregator Tweet meme Link 
    2. Twitter Alerts Tweet Alarm Link 
    3. Twitter Alerts Tweet beep Link 
    4. Twitter Alerts Twilert Link 
    5. Twitter Alerts Ugotwitt Link 
    6. Application blocking and filter tags Proxlet Link 
    7. Brainstorming Twitter Tools Directory Link 
    8. Special characters twitter The next web Link 
    9. Mapping followers Here Be twitterers Link 
    10. Twitter chat Nurph Link 
    11. Customer Twitter Client Cotweet Link 
    12. Twitter client Destroy Twitter Link 
    13. Twitter client Echofon Link 
    14. Twitter client Multwiple Link 
    15. Twitter client Splitweet Link 
    16. Twitter client Uber Twitter Link 
    17. Pdf converter tweets Mytwebo Link 
    18. Creator of RSS feeds to twitter Rss friends Link 
    19. Creating background Free twitter designer Link 
    20. Creating background The Meleon Link 
    21. Creating background Twitr backgrounds Link 
    22. Creating background Twitter backgrounds gallery Link 
    23. Creating background Twitter gallery Link 
    24. Creating tribes Triberr Link 
    25. Create pdf of events tweets Tweet doc Link 
    26. Discovering who you unfollow Unfollow Link 
    27. Discovering who you unfollow Who unfollowed me Link 
    28. Contact management Qwitter Link 
    29. Contact management Refollow Link 
    30. Contact management The Twit Cleaner Link 
    31. Contact management Tweepdiff Link 
    32. Contact management Tweepi Link 
    33. Contact management Tweet effect Link 
    34. Contact management Untweeps Link 
    35. 3D search engine Tianamo Link 
    36. Search engine on Twitter Docteur Tweety Link 
    37. Search engine on Twitter Followerwonk Link 
    38. Search engine on Twitter Hashtags Link 
    39. Search engine on Twitter Hashtracking Link 
    40. Search engine on Twitter Qwerly Link 
    41. Search engine on Twitter Spy appspot Link 
    42. Search engine on Twitter Twazzup Link 
    43. Search engine on Twitter Tweet tabs Link 
    44. Search engine on Twitter Twitterment Link 
    45. Search engine on Twitter Twitturly Link 
    46. Search engine on Twitter Twopupalr Link 
    47. Tag Cloud Twit scoop Link 
    48. Tag Cloud Twitter sheep Link 
    49. File sharing on twitter Twile share Link 
    50. Media Sharing Twitpic Link 
    51. Schedule your tweets Clock Tweets Link 
    52. Promote your twitter account Twitter my site Link 
    53. Promote your twitter account We follow Link 
    54. User Recommendation Tweet Degree Link 
    55. Compensation tweets Twittle buzz Link 
    56. Identify or find your followers Map my following Link 
    57. BACKUP activity Tweetake Link 
    58. Statistics twitter Backtweets Link 
    59. Statistics twitter Trendistic Link 
    60. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Klout Link 
    61. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Manage Flitter Link 
    62. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Mentionmap Link 
    63. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Link 
    64. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Retweetrank Link 
    65. Statistics, monitoring and reporting SocialBro Link 
    66. Statistics, monitoring and reporting The Archivist Link 
    67. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Timely Link 
    68. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Tweet metrics Link 
    69. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Tweet stats Link 
    70. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Tweet when Link 
    71. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Twitter counter Link 
    72. Statistics, monitoring and reporting Twoolr Link 
    73. Suggests people follow # FF Auto off Link