In the U.S., direct marketing is in a good shape !

Live from the DMA show in Boston, USA

The second day of its annual conference, held this year in Boston, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA Direct Marketing Association of America, 2500 Member) presented the figures of the profession.

 Across the Atlantic, spending on direct marketing will have increased by 5.6% in 2011 to reach $ 163 billion.

In the U.S., direct marketing Trust This year 52.1% of total advertising spending. Its share of advertising spending has grown steadily since 2006. And, according to the Direct Marketing Association, this upward movement is expected to continue until 2016.

 This spending growth is directly related to ROI. According to the DMA, a dollar spent on direct marketing generates sales of $ 12.03 (against 5.24 dollars for advertising as a whole).