Les médias sociaux sont devenus essentiels pour 90% des marqueters !

Il est clair que les médias sociaux sont de plus en plus un élément important du marketing mix.  Dernièrement, "Social Media Examiner" a publié son rapport 2011, bilan de l'activité Social Media Marketing. Un rapport annuel d'arpentage du marketing sur le rôle et l'application des médias sociaux dans le marketing. Le rapport de cette année a été réalisé auprès de plus de 3.300 spécialistes du marketing. 

Je vous encourage à lire le rapport complet, mais vous trouverez ci-dessous un aperçu des principales conclusions et les points de données essentielles.

10 statistiques essentielles du Social Media Marketing :

1. 90% des responsables marketings ont indiqué que les médias sociaux sont importants pour leur entreprise.
2. Seulement un tiers des spécialistes du marketing des médias sociaux veulent savoir comment surveiller et mesurer le retour sur investissement des médias sociaux.

3. 58% des responsables marketing utilisent les médias sociaux pour 6 heures ou plus chaque semaine.

4. 77% des responsables marketing prévoient une augmentation de leur utilisation de YouTube et du marketing vidéo en 2011.

5. 70% des marqueteurs veulent en savoir plus sur Facebook.

6. 69% des marqueteurs veulent en savoir plus sur les blogs.

7. L'avantage numéro un du marketing des médias sociaux est qu'il est générateur d'affaires et augmente de façon considérable la visibilité de l'entreprise, comme indiqué par 88% des marqueteurs.

8. Seulement 28% des entreprises sous-traitent une partie de leur marketing des médias sociaux.

9. 32% des marqueteurs interrogés ont déclaré qu'ils ont moins d'un an d'expérience avec les médias sociaux.

10. Les sociétés B2C étaient plus susceptibles ( 50% ) que B2B ( 42% ) d'augmenter leur utilisation des annonces en ligne.

Marketing sur mesure :

Chacune de ces données est intéressantes et importantes  individuellement mais il est essentiel de voir les choses globalement et d'identifier les changements majeurs dans l'industrie du marketing. Lorsque l'on regarde ces données dans leur intégralité, nous voyons un véritable processus de maturation ainsi qu'une transformation du marketing qui est somme toute encore jeune.

L'essor de la vidéo en ligne dans le marketing peut être attribuée à des marketeurs qui ont déjà une expérience avec la création de texte basé sur le contenu en ligne et sont maintenant prêts à s'attaquer à la production et la distribution de contenu vidéo qui est un ensemble plus complexe de la création de contenu sur le web. Même si, l'on peut noter que la création de contenu vidéo a été rendue plus facile avec les smartphones et les appareils numériques qui sont maintenant capables de capturer de la vidéo haute qualité durant des salons ou tout autres événements.

Un autre signe de maturation de l'industrie du marketing des médias sociaux est le montant déclaré de temps passent par les personnels marketing sur les médias sociaux pour intensifier leurs actions de commercialisation. 

Il est important de noter que la majorité des marqueteurs passent maintenant plus de 6 heures par semaine sur les médias sociaux, mais que cet investissement en temps semble aussi souligner que les dirigeants marketing commencent à comprendre que le temps est un engagement nécessaire pour avoir du succès avec le marketing des médias sociaux.

Le faible pourcentage des entreprises qui externalisent le Community Management met en évidence deux faits: 

-les médias sociaux peuvent être mieux adaptés pour les services marketing qui ont une connaissance fine de leur entreprise.

-les agences de marketing sont aux prises avec l'intégration du marketing des médias sociaux dans leurs offres de services existantes, chose qui n'est pas semble-t'il aussi aisé que celà !.

Brands are they more mature in the use of social media?

There appears to be a real maturation of the use of social networks by enterprises, resulting unfortunately excesses that are beginning to rise here and there allows me to revisit a subject particularly dear to me: that of the overall management of information.

Many of the articles or slideshare socialmedia discussed the revolution in progress, which requires overnight almost, companies stop talking all the time, and start listening to their customers. But too often, this development when it took place, remained confined to traditional external features of the company: communication, customer relationship marketing. In the best case, we took the time to use the customer feedback to change the message or product, but generally, the functions of production and even more the strategy was not affected by this trade.

The recent study by IBM, which surveyed 300 executives and 1,000 customers demonstrates the gap that exists between the directions of marketing and customers themselves:

In the right column you have the reasons why marketing departments think that people interact with the brand. In the left users' comments and what they expect of a brand on social networks: the gap between the two is great!

The next step is the overall management of information

The next step is therefore to cross now, and what has happened so far have been a nice joke next to the challenge that are ahead tomorrow. The next step is to use all this information flowing around at high speed, with no limit of time or distance, which no longer satisfies necessarily the legal limits (Wikileaks) or commonly accepted (permeability of the spheres pro / personal) .

If one believes PWC who analyzed the results of companies that have already integrated at all levels the tools of Web 2.0, the gain is clear, and well worth the investment, to mention only ROI, but Clearly, the benefits, particularly in human terms, are much broader.

French companies and others, have for years cultivated a special feature, which is much better to control the information internally and externally. In other words, it is generally easier to know what the strategy of your box to 5 years in that dining in town asking for your N +1. This mode of operation is generally acknowledged (among others) and denied (at home) with equal enthusiasm.

With the advent and mass distribution tools socialmedia, in strata of the business between operators excluded because they are too involved in their physical activity, and the Directorate General, excluded because they are too disconnected from such realities, This traditional way of operating, which had resisted the new organizations (matrix, project mode, etc ...) is in the process of reaching its limits due to layoffs dissemination of information about FB, various leaks on the activity of a business via social networking, the poaching of executives are some examples.

However, the potential wealth of thoughtful use of this information and built that runs a whopping valuation of labor and corporate image, ability to unite its employees, positioning on the board global competitive cost, among others.

Reap the benefits but also means, above all, learn to master, including how to prioritize information to be able to freely distribute it as you wish, as well as to be able to recreate the secrecy on certain topics strategic.

Today's world to a marked tendency to the confusion, the mixture of genres, the lack of hierarchy (remember, Mélenchon and his student journalist?). The challenge ahead will be to be able to recover from the sense of order. Etymologically, the hierarchy is the order (archos) sacred (hieros), which preserves the chaos. In a world of increasingly complex, its necessity is not in doubt.

The rebalancing of corporate functions will then be around this reality, and also take into account sociological changes that have occurred over the last 5 years in the life of all its stakeholders, otherwise miss revolution in progress.

And in this rebalancing companies must be accompanied, at the risk of missing the turn for lack of objectivity internally and externally.

Please leave your comments

Le marketing mobile en forte croissance en 2011 - Boom en 2012

Les États-Unis et l'Afrique du Sud ont tous deux subi quatre trimestres consécutifs de croissance à deux chiffres du trafic de la publicité mobile, selon la compagnie BuzzCity spécialiste des médias mobiles.
La société Global Mobile Advertising Index pour le quatrième trimestre de 2010 a révélé une augmentation de trimestre à trimestre de la publicité mobile de 12 pour cent, avec des annonces en hausse de 93% en 2010 par rapport à 2009, et pour 2011 la tendance est la même, avec nu boom attendu en 2012.
Un nombre croissant de campagnes venus des secteurs de Voyage et d'accueil, des consommateurs et des produits financiers, par BuzzCity. Le secteur bancaire en particulier, a axé ses campagnes de publicité mobile sur l'image de marque et d'acquisitions ciblées sur un groupe plus jeune des consommateurs. 

Au cours du dernier trimestre de 2010 en Inde, l'Indonésie, les États-Unis, l'Afrique du Sud et le Kenya ont poursuivi leur domination en tant que les cinq premiers pays de la publicité mobile.

L'Inde a continué sur sa courbe de croissance - au quatrième trimestre plus de 4 milliards de publicités ont été livrés au public les Indiens - et pour la première fois dépassé l'Indonésie pour assurer la place n ° 1.
Au cours du dernier trimestre de 2010, il a connu une croissance significative dans les Émirats arabes unis, ainsi que centrale et du Sud marchés américains comme le Mexique, le Brésil, l'Uruguay et le Chili.
KF Lai
KF Lai est le PDG de BuzzCity
Mobile Marketer de Dan Boucherinterrogé le Dr KF Lai , directeur général de BuzzCity , Singapour.Voici ce qu'il avait à dire:
Quelle est la principale conclusion de l'étude?De nombreux acteurs de l'industrie a connu une croissance énorme de l'Internet mobile en 2010. Aux États-Unis seulement, nous avons enregistré une croissance de 97 pour cent du trafic par rapport à 2009.
données des tarifs plus avantageux sur de nombreux marchés signifie plus de personnes pourraient accéder à Internet sur leur mobile ... et plus souvent trop.
Mieux combinés signifiait aussi que plus de contenu, notamment des jeux et des applications, ont été consommés.
Mais les chiffres ne sont pas tout à fait rendre justice aux efforts en matière d'éducation des consommateurs de l'industrie a investi au cours des dernières années.
La croissance l'an dernier, sur tous les marchés, est aussi le résultat de la confiance accrue des consommateurs utilisant les services en ligne via des appareils mobiles. 
Les consommateurs utilisent tous les canaux à leur disposition, y compris les mobiles, accès à l'information, de communiquer et, de plus en plus, pour délibérer.
Quelle est la constatation la plus étonnante, et pourquoi?Nous nous attendions à une augmentation de l'Internet mobile ad passer ... mais il n'avait pas prévu la rapidité à laquelle ad dépense a augmenté.
Bien que de nombreux marchés ont connu une croissance à deux chiffres dans annonceur dépense, ce revêtement d'argent peut venir avec le nuage noir de prix inflationnistes.
Sur certains marchés tels que la Malaisie, l'Argentine et le Vietnam, le coût par clic (CPC) les prix sont en augmentation et peut faire de la publicité mobile prohibitif pour beaucoup.
D'autre part, il signale également des opportunités de revenus pour les développeurs excellent contenu local.
Quel est le moteur de croissance dans l'espace de la publicité mobile? Quelles sont les tendances-vous remarqué?contenus et services mobiles à valeur ajoutée continuent à conduire mobiles ad-passer il est logique après tout, de poisson lorsque le poisson.
De nombreux acteurs internationaux se répandent certains de leurs budgets dans les marchés comme le Brésil, l'Argentine, l'Inde et au Kenya pour répondre à la demande nouvelle et renouvelée pour le contenu mobile.
Transporteurs-uns, pas tous, malheureusement, continuent de marché off-portal dans leurs marchés respectifs pour promouvoir de nouveaux services à valeur ajoutée et des produits.
La confiance des consommateurs dans les médias est sans doute mieux reflété dans les réponses positives aux campagnes menées par les secteurs bancaires, de détail et de Voyage.
Tout au long de 2010, les banques, les compagnies aériennes et les détaillants ont de marketing mobile non pas parce qu'ils étaient curieux d'apprendre, mais parce qu'ils avaient une stratégie claire numérique inclus mobile.
Aux États-Unis, les commerçants affiliés Web se tournent vers mobiles de profiter des nouvelles possibilités du milieu a à offrir - notamment chez le segment de marché prépayé.
Marketers jouent depuis longtemps dans le domaine de la «Big Four» et les consommateurs postpaid.
Comme les commerçants affiliés gagner plus de marchés mal desservis prépayées, le «Big Four» peuvent encore développer une stratégie claire pour ce segment.
Quels conseils pouvez-vous donner aux spécialistes du marketing mobile en fonction de vos résultats?La croissance du contenu mobile, et le commerce mobile, est bien sûr lié au montant investi dans le marketing mobile.
Avec une large gamme d'options, y compris les SMS, WAP, afficher des annonces mobiles, annonces de recherche, rich media et vidéo, le paysage fragmenté marketing mobile peut être compliqué.
Par conséquent, le contenu et le déploiement de campagnes de développement peut sembler un énorme engagement de marketing - et peut être rendue plus difficile avec des budgets limités.
Une grande partie de cette angoisse peut être évitée par des stratégies que les comptes pour les besoins d'affaires clairement défini, et le Voyage et les industries de détail semblent avoir développé ces puits.

In the U.S., direct marketing is in a good shape !

Live from the DMA show in Boston, USA

The second day of its annual conference, held this year in Boston, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA Direct Marketing Association of America, 2500 Member) presented the figures of the profession.

 Across the Atlantic, spending on direct marketing will have increased by 5.6% in 2011 to reach $ 163 billion.

In the U.S., direct marketing Trust This year 52.1% of total advertising spending. Its share of advertising spending has grown steadily since 2006. And, according to the Direct Marketing Association, this upward movement is expected to continue until 2016.

 This spending growth is directly related to ROI. According to the DMA, a dollar spent on direct marketing generates sales of $ 12.03 (against 5.24 dollars for advertising as a whole).

10 Marketing Trends in late 2011

Consumption patterns are changing and sales methods as well. To win the heart of their target, the marks must learn to adapt their speech to a constantly changing environment. In marketing, the truth of today is rarely tomorrow's.
How do the packaging these days? What products that appeal to consumers? How the brands they give new life to their customer relationships? Discover new consumer concerns ... and marketers.

1. Packaging

As one of the main criteria for purchase, the packaging of a product is also changing according to the fashions and habits. A visit to the store can realize that the trend is looking for practicality. A target that follows two concerns: the time savings for consumers and the aging population, a major marketing challenge for years to come.

Objective: To avoid difficulties in opening packages aesthetically successful but not ergonomic.

The openings are easy and formats doypack integrating all possible options, since the opening up resealable spout, now in bloom on store shelves. The approach is sometimes taken to extremes, like toothpaste destitute packaging found in stores Leclerc stores.

2. Gender Marketing

According to Faith Popcorn, the coming months herald the end of "gender marketing," marketing differentiated between men and women.

Exit Coca zero and therefore the Diet Coke, welcome to products that combine values ​​rather male such as technology and women as a concern for the environment. One explanation for this? "Women are increasingly influential, powerful. And men become more sensitive, collaborative and connected." Convergence of the concerns of everyone who spends so unisex products such as the Apple brand, merging technology and art.

3. Special Offers

That the consumer research today is the immediate free in all its forms, the immediate reduction in hand or purchased on 2 + 1 free. A trend confirmed by the publication of the quarterly survey PromoFlash that reveals a growing promotional pressure in hypermarkets and supermarkets.

4. geolocation to attract new customers

To attract new customers, sites such as location-based Foursquare, Twitter and Facebook want to make hyperlocal. These sites can offer promotions in real time to pedestrians passing by a shop or to motorists stopping at a gas station. A positive experience if we are to believe the Radio Shack brand, which specializes in consumer electronics and special offers which will notify users Foursquare logs near a Radio Shack store. Result, they spent an average 3.5 times more money in its stores that consumers lambda.

The reason? Younger and therefore more "early adopters" than other consumers, proponents of social networks tend to buy more sophisticated and therefore more expensive.

5. Co-branding: two stronger

The creators of the ready-to-wear Kitsune creating a line of JM Weston shoes, Burger King and Eurostar, which communicate with each other, Coca Cola cans that launches branded Raving Rabbids ... Partnerships between brands flourish in many forms. This co-branding, which allows two brands combine their expertise and their images to enhance their product offering, definitely on a roll.
I must say that this creation of shared value allows each brand to find his account of research awareness to share the attributes of each product.


6. "Street look" in fashion campaigns

It suggests that the trends do not exhibit themselves more on the podiums but in the street. Bloggers like The Sartorialist and Garance Doré set the tone with their unknown photographed in the street, models of the ordinary. A fashion design may be more human and more accessible making clothes which each brings a personal touch.

So this wave of "street look" that marks a growing surf through advertisements that give the impression to capture moments of life, moments of sublime strength by wearing your favorite brand. We refer of course to the mark Kooples who has posters of couples dope on the street or in the boxes his trademark


7. "Down aging"

Blogger Trendhunter, observed this year in the 2011 revival of "down aging," the famous return to childhood for a class of consumers nostalgic for an era of recklessness. The brands were well taken the measure of this phenomenon as evidenced by the rise of the retro wave.

Broken down in pubs revivals such as Vespa Piaggio or RayBan Wayfarer, products fragrant years of carefree, havens in times of crisis.

8. Advertising deployed projected on the walls of major cities

Halfway between street art and display areas, the beamvertising attracting more and more advertisers. Brands like Nokia, Rexona and Puma are regular users.

The use of projectors for the development of a device to render stunning visual animations and projection surfaces unlimited gives new life to the concept of guerilla marketing if we are to believe the surprised looks of the people of New York and other world capitals that have been in recent months, attended the magnificent visual spectacles ... and promotional materials.

9. The customer experience increasingly virtual

Visit the virtual store, or guided by mobile, paperless loyalty cards and coupons, mobile payments ... simplified It is clear that the customer experience on the shelves takes a turn more and more virtual. And if the digital invites himself more and more often in real life, he must greatly to the development of smartphones that will soon be unavoidable.

One can also think that the act of purchase is also influenced by the help of augmented reality, this technique for superimposing a virtual image on a 2D or 3D image of reality, in real time, while having the opportunity to interact with the whole. Example, you can see on your terminal the product from its package or fully assembled. Clearly taking shape a future where the Internet, social networks and technological innovation will make it more interactive customer relationships, and brands.

10. Nature friendly products

This can be seen for some time, consumers are increasingly concerned about their ecological footprint and the origin of products they consume. Well this is not about to stop.

Brands have correctly identified the research ethics and communicate more on the "naturalness" of their product. The latest example, Volvic bottles that incorporate plastics plant in their composition and have been designed to significantly reduce their environmental impact. Recognizable by their green cap, these bottles will satisfy consumers looking to rediscover values ​​like love and compassion on behalf of the social and environmental awareness.

Please leave your comments. Thanks to JDN.


How to Use Twitter to measure the degree of customer satisfaction ?

Use Twitter search and smileys!

I will present here a small trick to find out what consumers think of a brand or product on Twitter.

Been Twitter Search ?. This site allows advanced searches on Twitter. A big advantage of the site is that it is possible to take into account the emoticons (smileys). It can therefore be measured, with varying degrees of efficiency, the positive and negative.

How? Simply by including the different smileys in research::)): D or: (: /: $ instance.

Example :

Take the example of Comcast firm and see what he says it well:

 And what is said of negative :

Conclusion :

In the end, the result is quite convincing even if does not apply to all tweets. We have a comprehensive overview of what is said positive or negative, and it is a free tool to use interesting for companies who wish to manage their customer relationships.

Twitter Search is also useful to monitor and the day before the launch of a product or service, as well as for major brands for small businesses in a country, or just a city.

How to Integrate Customer Service Into Social Media Marketing

Social media has changed customer service from being a support function to being an extension of marketing. In the social media ecosystem, customers want to know that you're listening and responding. As your organization's front line, customer service is where your company becomes real to prospects and buyers by engaging with the public and showing your firm is real and cares.
With social media, you have to win your prospects, customers, and fans with every interaction across platforms. As your company's point of interaction, customer service is critical to your social media marketing efforts. Zappos is the poster child of amazing customer service across social media outlets. From a customer service perspective, when it comes to social media networks, 46 percent of customers want to solve a problem and almost 40 percent want to give retailers their feedback according to research from Cone, Inc. Additionally, roughly four out of five customers seeks a special deal (Source : H.Cohen).

12 Social Media ways to enhances
Customer Service

Here are 12 ways social media supports customer service and extends your marketing efforts.

1. Gives business a human face. Social media's engagement and interaction makes online businesses more personable and shows that someone is home. This transparency starts building customer trust. To this end, it's important to have social media guidelines in place to help employees with their social media interactions.
2. Listens to what customers are saying. With the help of social media monitoring tools, customer service can hear what consumers are asking, provide timely responses, and determine early warning signs of PR and other issues. (Note: social media monitoring may reside in different areas of an organization.) In the current social media ecosystem, it's critical to have a crisis management plan in place to mitigate potential problems.
3. Proactively engages with prospects and customers. This interaction shows that the people behind your company are real and care. Accomplish this with a wide range of interactions such as tweets, Facebook postings, and boards as well as unilateral communications like blog posts.

4. Provides additional product-related content. Use a wide range of formats from online videos to blogs. In addition to specific purchase information, show how to use the products. Here is a consumer-made video explaining how to apply eye color.
5. Answers product-related questions. Real-time and asynchronous conversations can occur on your website, a third-party media site, or a social media network like Facebook. One benefit is that other customers can respond to a confused customer with a direct answer. While the answer may not always be to your liking, it has the authority of being from another customer and reduces your customer service department's workload.
6. Supplies alternative contact channel. Remember, prospects and customers will use any and every entrance to talk to a human and get answers to their questions. Social media-delivered customer service, at least for the short term, tends to be used less on a relative basis, translating to better service.
7. Gives customers a channel to talk to each other. As a marketer, get over yourself! With social media, on your website or on a social networking site, it's not about you, it's about the overall customer-to-customer conversations. You just provide the environment that they want to visit.
8. Shares customer feedback. Often it's ratings and reviews. The benefit is that reviews can help qualify and endorse your product in ways that your staff can't because customers trust other customers. The challenge is that negative issues like United Breaks Guitars' can be amplified due to social media's free media and distribution platforms.
9. Celebrates your customers. By gathering your prospects, customers, and fans on social media platforms, you shine the spotlight on your customers. Oreos does a great job of this with its Facebook page that shows customers eating Oreos.
10. Shows customers behind the scenes. Use social media to give customers a view of what your firm is like. Think broadly in terms of blogs, photographs on Flickr, online videos, presentations, e-books, and LinkedIn.
11. Makes special offers. Social media presents another venue to share the love with your customers. One way to do this is through social media-only deals. Consider it an extension of customer service's ability to close and upsell customers.
12. Create new purchase options. While many companies haven't started testing social commerce, it's a rapidly growing area.

5 Ways to Measure Social Media Customer Service

As with any marketing and/or social media effort, it's critical to set your objectives and create related metrics to assess your success. Here are five metrics to help you monitor integrating social media into your customer service delivery.

1. Number of interactions. Track the number of fans and followers. Bear in mind you may need to entice consumers with special deals and bonuses. Additionally, understand how each platform works and how to be part of the community, or your actions will backfire.

2. Number of issues identified and responded to. In addition to participating in the conversation on your website and tailored company outposts like Twitter and Facebook, use brand monitoring tools to find and reply to consumer issues.

3. Content creation. Track the amount of content that users contribute in terms of ratings and reviews, social media interactions, photographs, videos, and other formats.

4. Sales. Measure sales related to your social media customer service efforts. Have they contributed to your overall sales? Are these efforts helping customers decide what to purchase and do they contribute in a positive way to your brand association and company revenues?

5. Customer service resources. Consider these three important elements. Are you reducing customer service inquiries via other channels? Social media translates to a lower cost channel in many cases. Are you allocating customer service headcount appropriately? Do you have enough people assigned to each channel? Also, monitor for increased usage as this channel becomes more efficient. People who didn't want to deal with customer service may do so on social media.

Social media has changed how consumers and companies view customer service. Now, customer service fulfills a variety of different functions including enhancing your marketing.

Is your firm ready to meet these new opportunities?
Are there any other customer service points that you'd add to this list ?. If so, please include your perspective in the comments section below.