What is e-reputation?
Definition :
Which professionals are involved?
Professionals online sales are particularly vulnerable to feedback from their customers on the different media of expression of the social web. These messages can be positive and therefore serve the interests of the company (ex: relays a user event, such as organizing a sale or flash indicates a link to a special offer) or express a negative evaluation ( eg delay in ordering or nonconformity of a product). In the latter case, comments can affect the reputation of the company (this is also called "noise" that is to say a negative opinion expressed with virulence and / or exaggerated).
More generally, professionals who rely on the proper referencing of their brand / product / service on the internet to communicate their products / services, whether B2B or B2C approach, are directly affected by the issues of digital reputation: especially if negative comments containing the word (s) keyword (s) that match the brand name appear in the first pages of search engines.
The benefits of a surveillance system of its online reputation
The establishment of a monitoring system of e-business reputation or its brand has several practical applications:
Empirical analysis of customer returns: the day information on problems encountered by customers in connection with the services / products provided by the company. It may reflect the need to improve certain aspects of its activities (eg customer relationship service, product quality etc..).
Dialogue with customers-users: the day can also meet people who post negative comments in forums of discussion and / or blogs. This is an opportunity to intervene to guidance, they provide links or the information practices, to restrict the release of new adverse comments.
Note: The use of a corporate Twitter account-with a watch put on the Twitter feeds published by the Internet-allows a dialogue with the micro-bloggers who mention the brand or products of the company.
Creating spaces of communication skills: the information collected can be incorporated to reflect on the communication strategy. Part of e-reputation is based in effect on the ability of a mark, and therefore its products and services, to occupy or create spaces for communication control (eg blogs, newsgroups) - towards which to direct customers who express negative opinions of third spaces. The new content adds up to also allow the SEO constructive feedback / positive in the search engines.
Finally, the day can measure impact and success of a campaign.
E-reputation and human resources: a watch can also identify the comments made by employees and former employees of the company, potentially harmful to human resource management (eg recruitment) or B2B relationships. These particular comments may appear in the professional social networks (eg, Viadeo, Linkedin).
Social meta
With these tools, it is possible to search by keywords (eg brand name) and in real time, and collect comments and content published on the mainstream media and social networking Web: Twitter stream and Facebook, forums and discussion groups, blogs, social networks, professional and editorial content (via Yahoo News and Google News in particular). Meta social videos also show the most recently released on video platforms like YouTube and Dailymotion, the results are again generated by selecting a keyword. They are tools for "broad spectrum" because they gather content varied.
Examples of social Meta:
Socialmente: it features an array of analysis that gives a general estimate of the opinions of Internet users (positive, negative, neutral) expressed in the discussions and points to the comments of a blog containing the chosen keyword at research. Socialmente can search up to a month back.
Whostalking: it probes the digg-likes, social and professional networks, blogs and tags that match the keyword search. Its interface is fluid and allows the user to quickly select the search criteria of interest.
Note that Google can also monitor the social content from keywords via the "Update" section in the search options.
Blog engines and micro-blogs, and follow-up comments
These engines perform a targeted search on content constantly updated. They allow the user to be more attentive and responsive in case of recovery of a functional problem related to services / products of the company (eg messages on twitter stream) or publication of a note by a influential blogger for example, and the reactions / opinions expressed by users on blogs.
Examples of blog engines and micro-blogging
BlogPulse: This is a content aggregator of blogs. it generates the results in terms of / the word (s) keyword (s) used. Among its advantages: completeness results, trend analysis for the keywords typed (frequency of occurrence over a period of time).
Icerocket: It identifies the "buzz" (blog articles rated by users) related to the keyword search. Clear display results containing the keywords, hashtags by, the presence of the keyword into a link, or mention of it verbatim.
Twitter Search: the search by keywords integrated into Twitter.
TweetBeep: Professional tool to monitor keywords that appear in Twitter posts, with updates every hour. It allows you to find a keyword in links shortcuts (like bit.ly gold tinyurl.com)
Content aggregators / RSS
Content aggregators allow both to recover the content of blogs / reference sites updated regularly (Techwatch) and organize a vigil in semantic retrieving RSS feeds associated with one or more keywords (eg flow RSS Google Blogs).
Some content aggregators most popular: Bloglines, FeedAgent, FeedDemaon, FeedReader, Google Reader, GreatNews, RSSOwl, Netvibes.
Note: Netvibes has launched Instant Dashboard, a dashboard adjustable pre-set which combines the results generated from a search by keywords on different media / social networking and son news (Google / Yahoo) . The results are updated continuously.
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