Brands are they more mature in the use of social media?

There appears to be a real maturation of the use of social networks by enterprises, resulting unfortunately excesses that are beginning to rise here and there allows me to revisit a subject particularly dear to me: that of the overall management of information.

Many of the articles or slideshare socialmedia discussed the revolution in progress, which requires overnight almost, companies stop talking all the time, and start listening to their customers. But too often, this development when it took place, remained confined to traditional external features of the company: communication, customer relationship marketing. In the best case, we took the time to use the customer feedback to change the message or product, but generally, the functions of production and even more the strategy was not affected by this trade.

The recent study by IBM, which surveyed 300 executives and 1,000 customers demonstrates the gap that exists between the directions of marketing and customers themselves:

In the right column you have the reasons why marketing departments think that people interact with the brand. In the left users' comments and what they expect of a brand on social networks: the gap between the two is great!

The next step is the overall management of information

The next step is therefore to cross now, and what has happened so far have been a nice joke next to the challenge that are ahead tomorrow. The next step is to use all this information flowing around at high speed, with no limit of time or distance, which no longer satisfies necessarily the legal limits (Wikileaks) or commonly accepted (permeability of the spheres pro / personal) .

If one believes PWC who analyzed the results of companies that have already integrated at all levels the tools of Web 2.0, the gain is clear, and well worth the investment, to mention only ROI, but Clearly, the benefits, particularly in human terms, are much broader.

French companies and others, have for years cultivated a special feature, which is much better to control the information internally and externally. In other words, it is generally easier to know what the strategy of your box to 5 years in that dining in town asking for your N +1. This mode of operation is generally acknowledged (among others) and denied (at home) with equal enthusiasm.

With the advent and mass distribution tools socialmedia, in strata of the business between operators excluded because they are too involved in their physical activity, and the Directorate General, excluded because they are too disconnected from such realities, This traditional way of operating, which had resisted the new organizations (matrix, project mode, etc ...) is in the process of reaching its limits due to layoffs dissemination of information about FB, various leaks on the activity of a business via social networking, the poaching of executives are some examples.

However, the potential wealth of thoughtful use of this information and built that runs a whopping valuation of labor and corporate image, ability to unite its employees, positioning on the board global competitive cost, among others.

Reap the benefits but also means, above all, learn to master, including how to prioritize information to be able to freely distribute it as you wish, as well as to be able to recreate the secrecy on certain topics strategic.

Today's world to a marked tendency to the confusion, the mixture of genres, the lack of hierarchy (remember, Mélenchon and his student journalist?). The challenge ahead will be to be able to recover from the sense of order. Etymologically, the hierarchy is the order (archos) sacred (hieros), which preserves the chaos. In a world of increasingly complex, its necessity is not in doubt.

The rebalancing of corporate functions will then be around this reality, and also take into account sociological changes that have occurred over the last 5 years in the life of all its stakeholders, otherwise miss revolution in progress.

And in this rebalancing companies must be accompanied, at the risk of missing the turn for lack of objectivity internally and externally.

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1 comment:

  1. Social media is commonly use to brand sales and products in order to increase stocks in market.
